Advanced Sedation Dentistry

Experience stress-free dental procedures with our advanced sedation dentistry.

Whether you're anxious about treatments or looking for a more comfortable dental visit, our sedation options are designed to suit your needs. From nitrous oxide to oral and IV sedation, we ensure a relaxed and pain-free experience. Contact us today to learn more about how sedation dentistry can transform your dental appointments into a worry-free experience.

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Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry is an ideal solution for patients who experience anxiety or discomfort during dental procedures. Our clinic offers various sedation options to ensure a calm and comfortable experience. These options include nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, which is inhaled through a mask to help you relax. Oral sedation involves taking a prescribed medication before your appointment, leading to a drowsy but awake state. For more complex cases, IV sedation is available, administered by a trained professional for a deeper level of sedation. We prioritize your comfort and safety, tailoring sedation methods to suit your specific needs and medical history.

Dental Appliances

Night Guards

If you grind or clench your teeth while sleeping, night guards are an essential protective measure. Grinding and clenching can lead to various issues such as headaches, jaw pain, tooth sensitivity, and even chipping or cracking of the teeth. Our custom-made night guards are designed to fit perfectly and minimize the pressure on your teeth, preventing potential dental problems.


Retainers play a crucial role in the final stage of orthodontic treatment. They are necessary to maintain the new position of your teeth after braces or aligners. Without retainers, there's a risk that your teeth could gradually shift back to their original positions. Generally, these retainers are worn during sleep unless advised otherwise by our orthodontic specialists.

Sports Guards

Wearing a sports guard during physical activities is vital for protecting your teeth and minimizing the risk of mouth injuries. Our custom-fitted sports guards are designed for comfort and effective protection, ensuring you can focus on your sport without worrying about your teeth.

Snoring Appliances

Snoring appliances are worn during sleep to alleviate snoring and reduce the risks associated with obstructed sleep apnea. The appliance repositions the lower jaw slightly forward, widening the airway and facilitating easier breathing. This not only reduces snoring but also contributes to a more restful sleep.

Intraoral PrimeScan Scanner

The Intraoral PrimeScan Scanner is a key tool in modern dental diagnostics and treatment planning. Its advanced technology allows us to capture precise 3D images of your teeth and gums with remarkable accuracy and speed. This scanner is integral in designing dental restorations that fit perfectly and look natural, ensuring your dental treatments are effective and comfortable.

Is dental anxiety keeping you from getting the care you need?

Don't let fear hold you back. Subscribe to our newsletter and discover how sedation dentistry can transform your dental experience. Stay informed about the latest sedation techniques and ensure your next visit is calm and comfortable.

Van Beek Family Dentistry offers general, cosmetic, and sedation dentistry services.