General Dentistry Treatments

Explore a variety of general dentistry treatments, from thorough oral exams and dental hygiene to specialized procedures like root canal therapy.

We also provide oral cancer screenings, protective dental sealants, and considerate tooth extractions. Contact us to discuss your dental health needs and how our services can help you maintain a healthy oral routine.

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Comprehensive Oral Exam

Oral exams are the foundation of preventive care. During these exams, our experienced dentists thoroughly assess your oral health. We begin by reviewing your medical history to understand any underlying health concerns. We then examine soft tissues, teeth, and lymph nodes and utilize advanced x-ray technology to detect any hidden oral health issues. Early detection is key to preventing conditions like gum disease and tooth decay, ensuring your smile remains radiant.

Dental Hygiene and Overall Health

Regular dental cleanings are vital for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Our seasoned hygienists skillfully remove plaque and calculus, offer fluoride treatments when needed, and provide tailored advice to enhance your oral hygiene routine at home. This proactive approach is crucial in curbing the onset or progression of gum disease and tooth decay.

Oral Cancer Screening

Our quick and efficient oral cancer screenings are crucial to your dental care. We carefully examine your mouth for signs of abnormal lesions, tissue changes, and bacterial growth. Detecting oral cancer in its early stages significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and improves overall survival rates. Your well-being is our priority, and our thorough screenings are designed to safeguard your health.

Root Canal For Teeth

Root canal therapy becomes necessary when decay penetrates the pulp or nerve of a tooth. We ensure this procedure is pain-free, involving decay removal, cleaning of the nerve canal, and its subsequent sealing. This not only saves your tooth from extraction but also preserves its natural structure. Post-procedure, we often recommend a crown to reinforce the now-weakened tooth.

Dental Sealants For Sensitive Teeth

For our younger patients, dental sealants are a valuable preventive measure. These sealants are expertly applied to the pits and grooves of molars, areas prone to trapping food particles and bacteria. By smoothing and reinforcing these hard-to-reach places, we make them easier to clean and help prevent future tooth decay.

Tooth Extractions

Extractions are our last resort. When a tooth is irreparably damaged or poses a risk for future oral health issues, our dentists perform extractions with utmost precision and care. Wisdom tooth extractions may also be advised based on individual patient needs. Your comfort and well-being are paramount during this procedure, and we discuss all available options before proceeding.

X-rays For Teeth

X-rays are an integral part of regular oral exams. These detailed images are crucial in uncovering aspects of your oral health that are not visible during a standard examination. By utilizing X-rays, we can detect hidden cavities, monitor the development of wisdom teeth, identify cysts, assess bone loss, and discover other potential issues beneath the surface.

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Van Beek Family Dentistry offers general, cosmetic, and sedation dentistry services.